Highway Cleanup
9:00am to 12:30pm, Saturday, March 1st, 2025
I-17/Bloody Basin Exit (#259), East Side
Pam Kalish, Organizer
RSVP to Pam at pekalish@gmail.com
We will be collecting trash in the AFNM parking area and on both the on and off ramps from each direction at the Bloody Basin Rd exit. Meet at 9:00 AM.
Bring sturdy boots or shoes, snacks, water and clothes appropriate for the weather, gloves (we also provide gloves) and be willing to work for about three hours depending on the number of volunteers. We will provide: Gloves, vests, grippers, water, blue ADOT trash bags and a prize for the volunteer with the best find!
If you have any problems, feel free to call Pam at 602-717-2287
Lunch is suggested at the restaurant across from the Heritage Park in BCC. It is called "Two Brothers Kitchen". It is a nice Mediterranean restaurant. LMK what you think.
In case of bad weather or traffic delays on I-17 the cleanup will be moved to the following weekend.
This event will be for members only. Non-members may join on the website or at the event.